TRV v1.0 IC9100 GPS locked -
SSPA driver 1W
VLNA - 2,45dB N/F
- 24dB gain - JA8CMY design
Beginning of build and first test 02/2020
RX performance of home QTH system with
2,4m offset solid dish

SN/CS = 7,7dB MN/CS = 0,77dB
offset dish 2,4m for 10 - 24 - 47 GHz EME

Feeds for 47 GHz in
2,4m offset dish
Complicated process of producing feed horn
W2IMU for F/D 0,8 Right now scaled W2IMU feed and working on
two of them for testing.
RX/TX switch
will publish here all details soon. Wave
guide made by Pasternak MW cost 10.000 $ and have almost
0,5dB ATT with associated waveguides etc..
I have 200 $ solution and 0dB ATT.
Offset dish 2,4m PRODELIN for 10 - 24 - 47 GHz
presentation of tracking gears
List of
active stations 47 GHz courtesy of PA0EHG
My first steps on
47 GHz presentation from EME&MW seminar 2021