24 GHz EME portable tracking



Measuring Sun noise, Moon noise and CS/G on 12-13/08/2018 with new tracking


TRV 2nd generation in the feed point of 180cm Andrew solid dish
New contra weight arm and 15 kg weight on the end, two independent zero back slash gears for pointing system to the Moon.
New tracking contains two high precision gears with back slash 0,03°, elevation read out POSITAL Each gear include 24V DC engine with 1,2A consumption with maximum torque 1000 Nm, azimuth read out below of azimuth gear
Tripod including also system fro high precision read out for leveling of the system Other wiev
Inside of TRV 24 GHz left, plate with TRV, LO and sequencer on right
Some details of opened TRV in the dish feed point
CS/G measuring -15,2dB to -18dB = 2,8dB ground noise
Sun measuring -8,6dB to -18,2dB = 9,6dB Sun noise


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